detour 301_via Workshop 2 Highlights
K LAB, 2020
Short video about the International Workshop "Mapping for Change? Cartographies of the Urban: Intersectionality and Climate Change Adaptation". 16-18 January 2020, K LAB, TU Berlin.
This workshop built on the questions of preceding one (see detour 208), and the guiding question was: How can we operationalize Cindi Katz’s concept of “countertopography” to support the global rhythms of resistance to neocolonialisms? To concretize our debates and link to today’s urgencies, participants were invited to explore whether and how intersectionality as a frame of analysis can alter the ways communities—scholars, practitioners, politicians, activists, artists—think about needs and potentials in defining what a justice-seeking climate change adaptation constitutes for them.
For the names of participants see detour 306_via a January Encounter, and for more information about the agenda and structure of the workshop see entry 3.1 Anticolonial Mapping
Camera and Editing: Poppy Imogen Illsley
Organized by K LAB, TU Berlin
Supported by the VolkswagenStiftung
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